12 months support and update
Unlimited domain support
With 12 build-in extra field types, tons of config and extendable by plugin, you can run any kind of directory with JU Directory: real estate, business directory, car dealer site, movie rating site, travel guide, restaurants guide, review site, catalog site,... and easily to create multiple directories with only one JU Directory installation.
✔ Responsive design
✔ User friendly interface
✔ High performance, Fully optimized - Tested with big directory site has 100K listings(each listing has 45 core fields + 11 extra fields), total 04 field groups, 78 fields(45 core fields + 33 extra fields), 1.25M field values and 500K reviews, and the site run fast and smooth - If you want to build a site with very large database of listing, JU Directory is the best choice.
✔ Configuration can be overridden by top level category to create multiple directories in only one component
✔ Unlimited Category Tree, easy and very fast to create your directory structure with Fast add function, you can create many categories once time with just one click.
✔ Unlimited Listing
✔ Joomla ACL support, you can control who can submit, manage the listing at the front-end based on user group
✔ Listing can be assigned to many categories
✔ Each listing has it own image, gallery, map with many locations
✔ Unlimited field group, one field group can be assigned to many categories and is inherited by sub-categories by default
✔ Unlimited extra fields
✔ Powerful field manager, build-in 12 field types: captcha, checkboxes, date time, dropdown list, file, freetext, image, link, multi select, radio, text, textarea(editor)
✔ Field validation, predefined values, default value, auto complete, tag search
✔ Access level, ACL Permission can be configured in each field(Submit, Edit, Edit own, Search), you can do any kind of restriction you want based on each field with this kind of permission
✔ Multi map locations can be assigned to each listing, JU Directory is the only one extension in the market support this, this is feature perfect for the business directory, now you don't need to create many listings for many company branches, with just one company listing, you can manage many branches with many locations.
✔ Build-in comment system, also support JComment, Komento, Disqus
✔ Ajax rating
✔ Listing comparison
✔ Tags support
✔ Related listings, Related categories
✔ Image gallery with watermark to protect your images
✔ Automatic image resize with flexible config options
✔ Language manager
✔ Backend Top List statistic
✔ Front-end submission
✔ Listing approval system
✔ Powerful search system: Simple search/Advanced search/Filter search/Tag search by any field
✔ Address hierarchy with any deep levels, help to easy to search, filter listing exactly by address
✔ Map search, Radius search
✔ Claim listing, contact listing owner
✔ Listing collection allow user to add favorite listings to
✔ Listing owner has his own dashboard to manage listings, comments, collections, subscriptions,...
✔ Support Joomla breadcrumbs
✔ Send mail by event with many events, you will not miss anything occurs in your site.
✔ Log user actions to see what people doing in your site.
✔ Report system
✔ Moderators with custom permissions
✔ Display listing as list view, grid view, map view
✔ Listing display module with powerful filter and 17+ types to list your listings(New, Popular, Most comments, Top rated, Random,...)
✔ Smart template manager, responsive with Bootstrap, mobile ready, overridable and easily to create new one.
✔ Strongly SEO support, meta data can be overridden, SEF alias can be configured, microdata support
✔ Submission Chart
✔ Advanced backend restriction to restrict access a part of back-end manager to each user group
✔ 15+ modules to display content
✔ Extendable via plugins
✔ Tons of settings in global config to make the system suite you needs
✔ And much more...